Renaissance organMusic of the courtof Philip II
Sunday 23 Julyat 18:00
Sala ARTS,Tortosa
See locationTickets: €5
A concert of organ music by Joan Seguí, organist at the Santa Maria del Mar church in Barcelona. During the concert, Joan will play music from around the court of King Philip II of Spain during the 80 Years’ War -1568-1648-, showing the musical influences among the most significant composers from the two warring countries.
A splendid concert, and an example of why we wish for a new organ for Tortosa Cathedral. Rossend Aymí, the last organist at the cathedral, will attend the concert and we will be able to share and exchange opinions with him afterwards.
N. de Grigny – Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux (Himne sur le Veni Creator) performed by Joan Seguí